Solace Synergy


Solace, created to help you process through grief.

You and you alone know if Solace is for you. I can’t give you a quiz or a checklist, but I can give you an idea of how she can help.

Solace Synergy holds this energy:

  • Clary Sage: alleviates feelings of isolation

  • Rose: releases anger and trauma

  • Vetiver: protects fragile emotions

  • Sandalwood: invites inner peace

  • Neroli (I saved the best for last): brings light, and is said to be brushed with the light of angel wings

  • All nestled on a bed of clear quartz, which uplifts the lower vibrations of pain and transmutes them into higher healing, blended with organic jojoba oil

As always, this specific synergy may not be for you. If you like the idea, but not one or more of the essential oils listed above, reach out to me and we can create a custom blend just for you.

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